Tuesday, 23 August 2011

New (School) Year Resolutions

I always look forward to the start of the new school year - I guess the day I don't will be the time to call it a day.  I am glad to say that I think I am looking forward to the start of this year more than I have in ages.  For the first time in several years I have got a good timetable and, unlike last year, most of the time I will be teaching History.  At the beginning of last year I was feeling really negative about teaching - largely because I was teaching a lot of English and PSHE but last year was a real turning point for me.  I discovered lots of new ideas and technologies during the year which really reignited my excitement and enthusiasm for teaching.
I have decided to make some new resolutions for this year - who knows if I will keep them but I am hoping that by writing them down it gives me more of an incentive to do them.
1.  Use lots of new technology.
Last year I got into Twitter, blogging, edmodo, audioboo and plannerlive.  This year I will use them more extensively - I would love to reach the point where every student I teach is using at least 1 of these technologies regularly to improve their learning.
2.  Audioboo lessons
I only got into audioboo at the end of the year but will take it much further this year.  The aim is to do audioboo summaries of each GCSE and AS lesson so that students can access 5 minute summaries of the key points of each lesson at home.
3.  Learn names quickly
I have always been really bad at learning names.  As a visual learner I am great at remembering faces but rubbish at names.  The target is to know every students' name by half-term.  I am going to try and use at least 5 new names every lesson.
4.  Be more organised
I have a reputation for being the untidiest teacher at school.  My desk is always a mess - but deep down I would love to be more organised.  At the beginning of the summer holidays I gave my room a good clear out and it looks fantastic now - I will try to keep it this way.  I intend to spend 5-10 minutes each day tidying (I know even as I write this that this is asking way too much!)

5.  Provide better feedback
I have always disliked marking and would rather spend my time planning the next lesson.  However, I am now realising that I am doing my students a big disservice.  Their work deserves to be marked and they have the right to get feedback on how well they did it and how they can improve it - quickly.  I owe them that.  This year work will be marked quickly and regularly.  I have tried to work out a rota for marking which might help
6.  Keep positive
I have a tendency to get wound up by some of the things that happen at school - particularly decisions made by management which I disagree with.  This year I am going to try to focus on the things I can affect and not get bothered by the stuff I can't do anything about.
7.  Take risks
This I know is the one that I will definitely keep.  I have always been experimental in the classroom - it is one of the things I enjoy the most about teaching.  I haven't got a clue what I am going to do that is new yet - but look forward to finding out what it will be
8.  And finally...blog
I started blogging last year and got into it for a while and then slipped off.  The thing is that I know I feel so much better about teaching (and me) when I blog.  It helps to keep me positive and also gives me time to reflect on what I do.  The aim is to blog at least once a fortnight - let's see what happens

So that's the plan.  If there are any other teachers out there - I would love to know if you set yourself any resolutions.  Good luck to all of us this year in the classroom - enjoy yourselves.