Friday, 28 January 2011

What's it all about?

This blog is about the stuff that interests, fascinates and amuses me.  I am, first and foremost, a teacher and I am fascinated by how we all learn and new ways of helping students learn.  On this page I hope to throw down all the ideas I come across for new teaching ideas and would invite anyone to come and steal them and use them.  If you do steal them - add to the blog and tell me how you used them.
Today I had the privilege of watching an old friend and inspiration teach.  Dr Alan Jones did a session with my Yr11 History group on the origins of Victorian spiritualism.  It was superb to watch him hold an audience of 23 kids mesmerised for 2 hours with a mixture of history, magic and theatre.  What I noticed from a teaching view point was the use of a quiet voice to draw an audience in and fascinate them.  Great stuff and made me realise that I need to listen closely to my own use of voice

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